Aircraft Ground Deicing Experts

Our specialised field in the aviation industry.

Browse our range of De/Anti-Icing services below or get in touch to discuss your aviation needs today.

As strange as it may sound, weather isn't the same everywhere! Having a global reach means that we have experience in different operating environments and because we don't believe that there is one size that fits all, we work with our clients to provide cost effective and innovative solutions that are most appropriate to their needs. 

We provide a wide and full range of advice, consulting and training services and are specialists in Aircraft Ground De-Icing and Anti-Icing and work extensively in this field globally. Over the years we have built up a strong reputation for the services that we provide.

Alongside consulting, we regularly design and produce Aircraft Ground De/Anti-Icing Manuals (AGDM) and associated Training Material for several clients. All documentation is aligned to SAE International standards.

We are also members of the SAE International G12 Aircraft Ground Deicing Steering Group.


Passing on our extensive knowledge.

Planning for cold weather operations can be a complex process. Adoption of industry standards and best practice, training and qualifying staff and ensuring that the organisation are where they need to be procedurally are just some of items on the list for annual review.

We are experienced, have ongoing relationships within this field and are able to advise on most aspects of De/Anti-icing such as:

  • Theoretical Training

    All levels including De-Icing Instructors & Head of De-Icing

  • Training Material

    De/Anti-Icing, EWIS, equipment, infrastructure

  • Audits

    Internal, external, winter readiness

  • Facilities

    Design and maintenance, remote pads and infrastructure

  • Equipment

    Consulting on fluid storage, blending and transfer, inspections

  • Practical Training

    Focussing on areas such as GSE, equipment, infrastructure

  • Fluid

    Selection, testing, procurement and management

  • GSE

    Consultancy expertise on operation and instruction of GSE

  • Industry Representation

    Forums, meetings and liaison

  • Automation

    Data collection, business intelligence

Fluid Testing

We provide in house fluid testing at our laboratory at our offices in Brighton, ideal for your pre and mid season checks. We also test fluid as part of the internal and DAQCP audit process and guarantee quick turnaround. All fluid is tested in accordance with AS9968 standard using Brookfield LV standard viscometer equipment. We provide full test results within 7 days of receipt.

Our fluid testing services is provided in conjunction with Clear Sky Aviation who also have a laboratory in Derby, UK.

Remote De-Icing Pads

With on-time performance being one of the highest priorities for the industry and parking stands being considered as prime real estate, innovative solutions that keep things moving during cold weather operations are essential to any airport operation.

We don’t believe that large, expensive and fixed infrastructure is always the answer, particularly at airports such as those in Western Europe where the weather is often unpredictable.

We provide a range of services associated with cost effective, remote and engines running De-Icing pads, which are portable, quick and easy to set up and run and deliver many benefits to airports, airlines, GSP’s and the travelling public.

Check out the videos below from our Vimeo feed for examples of what can be achieved in a relatively short space of time and for minimal comparative cost.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to know more.

De/Anti-Icing Training

We now offer De & Anti Icing specific training courses for all levels. Please see our Training page where you can find detailed information on the curriculum and full details of each training program.

Awards, Memberships, & Accreditations

 Watch. Listen. Discuss. Solve.

Ready to work together? Talk with one of our industry experts to discuss your company’s needs to see how we can help you