MACL presents at Menzies Aviation Winter Conference 2022

We are pleased to announce that Simon Miles, Managing Director of Miles Aviation Consultancy Ltd was invited to share his wealth of knowledge on aircraft deicing at the Menzies Aviation Winter Conference in Bucharest, Romania last Wednesday morning.

The presentation entitled ‘Deicing 2022; The new challenges’ provided an overview of the current issues that the aviation industry is facing and how that will likely relate to the Deicing sector this upcoming winter season. To gain insight on what was covered during the presentation please see the slide deck below.

If you are interested in hosting Simon Miles to speak at one of your events, please get in touch by email on for more information.

Did you know…

That as well as deicing consultancy, we offer aircraft de/anti-Icing training courses covering all qualification levels from DI-L10 to DI-L70 for both operatives and management?

View the course specifications below:


All About Aircraft De/Anti-Icing Fluid Types


Our newest client; Farnborough Airport Ltd