Kenya Airways Load Control Training Course: A Successful Collaboration in Nairobi

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of our recent Load Control course with Kenya Airways in Nairobi. This course marks the beginning of a promising partnership, and we couldn't be more pleased with the outcome.

Course Overview

The Load Control course is designed to equip aviation professionals with the skills necessary to manage aircraft weight and balance effectively. Covering essential topics such as load planning, loadsheet preparation, and adherence to AHM1110 requirements, the course ensures participants are well-versed in maintaining safety and efficiency in flight operations. The curriculum includes practical exercises for various narrow and widebody aircraft types, including A320 and A330, providing comprehensive hands-on experience.


A Successful Training Experience

Our lead trainer, Pedro Garcia Morales, noted that the attendees were highly professional, engaged, and committed. They not only followed the training material meticulously but also brought their own experiences and knowledge to the table, enriching the learning environment. The collaborative atmosphere allowed for shared decision-making and a dynamic exchange of ideas, making the course both interactive and effective.

Pedro described the experience as one of the most satisfying in his career. The dedication and teamwork displayed by the Kenya Airways staff were exemplary. Their organised and detailed work ethic, coupled with their ability to support each other, ensured that all training objectives were met with flying colours.

At the conclusion of the training, the positive feedback from the attendees was overwhelming. They appreciated the course content and delivery style, highlighting the valuable insights and practical skills gained during the sessions.

Looking Ahead

Simon Miles, our Managing Director, shared his enthusiasm on the successful partnership:

It’s fantastic to welcome Kenya Airways as a new client for Miles Aviation Consultancy. Their dedication to professional development and commitment to excellence aligns perfectly with our own values. We look forward to many more successful collaborations in the future.

If you want to find out more about our high-quality training courses including management training, instructor training, and front-line staff training, please see our training page. Specific to load control, we offer the following courses:

Aircraft Loading Supervision Training Course

Basic Aircraft Load Control Training Course

Loadmaster Training Course

Did you know…

We are specialists in de/anti-icing, ground operations and ground handling - and can provide your organisation with not only high-quality training courses, but documentation and ground operations manuals, audit services, and consulting/project support too. If you have a bespoke requirement and think we can help, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team.



Understanding Load Control in Aviation


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