What is a Ground Handling Service Provider?

Ground Handling Service Providers (GHSPs) are third party organisations who provide Ground Operations and Ground Handling services to airlines and aircraft operators. Many years ago, these services were traditionally performed by airlines themselves. Some airlines, particularly at their main bases, still self-handle - however the use of outsourced, third-party companies for ground handling is now commonplace. Airport operators themselves, particularly at smaller airports, too, can also commonly provide Ground Handling services for their airline customers.

GHSPs can achieve economies of scale that airlines themselves cannot, as they normally handle multiple carriers at one base and achieve a better utilisation of ground staff and Ground Support Equipment (GSE). These cost efficiencies are often passed on to airlines and this has, in part, aided the growth of Low Cost Carriers and reduction of airfares in the past 25 years; it is also common for airlines to sign multi-base contracts with GHSPs, giving further savings.

Read on to find out about the services typically provided by Ground Handling Service Providers, and how Miles Aviation and our team of Ground Operations Specialists support GHSPs, FBOs, airlines and airport operators.


Services Typically provided by GHSPs

The services provided by Ground Handling Service Providers are typically split into passenger handling services and ramp handling services, with airlines signing ground handling contracts (SGHA) and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to define what mix of services they require at each operating base.


  • Aircraft marshalling

  • Wheel chocking and cone placement

  • Connection/Disconnection of Ground Support Equipment (GSE)

  • Baggage and freight handling

  • Aircraft towing and pushback

  • Refuelling

  • Water and toilet servicing

  • Aircraft cleaning

  • Catering

  • De/anti-icing services


  • Check-in

  • Boarding and disembarkation

  • Ticketing

  • Baggage sorting and services

  • Assistance to Passengers with Reduced Mobility (PRM)

These services require a mix of resources, from personnel (baggage handlers, ramp agents, Turnaround Coordinators, loadmasters, check-in agents etc.) to Ground Support Equipment (belt loaders, pushback tugs, catering and fuelling trucks, water bowsers etc.). Coordinating and managing these resources is a difficult task, and this is partly why airlines opt to outsource ground services to a third party provider.

As stated, aircraft operators sign SLAs with their ground handling provider to determine the range of services they require, and the level of performance they expect. In aviation, time is money, and so On-Time Performance (OTP) levels are of high importance and ground handling companies must provide their services in an efficient manner, performing to mutually agreed standards.


How do GHSPs compare to fixed-based operators (FBOs)?

Fixed-Based Operators (FBOs) also provide aviation ground services however they are quite different in principle. To read our article all about Fixed-Based Operators (FBOs), and more on how they compare to GHSPs, click here.

As a general rule of thumb, GHSPs excel at offering ground services to the commercial market at a high gauge and low cost base, whereas FBOs handle lower gauges at a higher value service proposition. Both GHSPs and FBOs are highly regulated with staff requiring high levels of training and compliance monitoring.

How we can help ground handling service providers and FBOs

Our team of Ground Handling and Ground Operations Specialists provide a range of services to GHSPs and FBOs, including Ground Operations and aerodrome audits, manual and documentation creation/analysis, high-quality training courses, and consulting/project support. If you think you may require assistance from our team, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Did you know…

We provide specialist ground operations and ground handling support services including:

  • AUDITS - We provide internal and external quality audits to ground operations and aerodrome industry standards, and can even run your full internal quality programme for you.

  • TRAINING - High-quality training courses in ground operations and ground handling, including management and instructor training, as well as front-line operational training and refresher courses.

  • DOCUMENTATION - We can review, create, and align your documentation and ground operations manuals to the latest industry standards. We also have significant expertise in Service Level Agreements and Ground Handling contracts.

  • CONSULTING / PROJECT SUPPORT - Do you have any upcoming ground operations or ground handling projects? Our team of experts can assist you.


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